Woodland 3/4 Year Old Nursery Admissions
"Children in the Early Years get off to a good start!" Ofsted June 2023
Queenswell Nursery
Provision for 3-4 year olds
Free Early Education for three and four year olds (FEE3)
All three and four year olds are eligible for 15 hours of FEE3 up to 38 weeks per year (term time only). Some children are eligible for up to 30 hours; this extension is criteria based.
Click here to see if you are entitled to 30 hours of Free Early Education.
Our Nursery offers 52 part-time places and we offer a number of these as full-time places available on a fee-paying basis or as part of your 30 hours Free Early Education for those who qualify.
Extended hours:
From September 2024, we will be offering extended hours for nursery aged children.
You may pay for your child to attend extra sessions from 7.45am-9am (breakfast club), and/or 3pm-6pm (5.30pm on a Friday) in our after school club.
Nursery Session Times
Morning: 9am-11.30am
Afternoon: 12.30pm-3pm
Full day: 9am-3pm
Breakfast club (7.45am-9am) and extended afternoon session (3pm-6.00pm/5.30pm on a Friday) is available for nursery children from September 2024.
Please look at our information booklet for more information about our nursery.
Nursery virtual tour
School Tours
Join one of our school tours, led by a member of the Senior Leadership team.
Please call the school to book a tour date.