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Queenswell Infant & Nursery School Logo

Queenswell Infant & Nursery School

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Welcome to Reception!


The staff working in this year group to support your child's learning are: 



Miss Rashid, Miss Cawe, Miss Morgan



Mrs Taylor, Miss Eda

Home Learning


After half term, please send your child to school with their yellow or blue book bag, clearly labelled with their name. These can be purchased from the school office. They will need to put it in the designated box in their classroom.


They will bring their book bag home every Friday. The bag will contain:

*A library book chosen by your child. Please take the time to share this book with them, discussing the pictures and talking about the characters.

*Homework - a piece of literacy/ phonics or maths homework to be returned or uploaded onto Tapestry. 


Towards the end of the autumn term all children will be allocated a phonics-based e-book to practise reading at home. Further information and log on details will be given nearer the time. 


Tapestry Learning Journals


Tapestry allows you to view your child’s photos, videos and observations made by the staff. You have the opportunity to reply to comments that the teacher has made and upload your own photos or videos from home, which we love to see. We hope this will enhance our partnership with you in providing your child with the best learning opportunities possible. 


If you have any questions about Tapestry please email the school office or ask your class teacher.

Extra Information


We love to play outside in all weathers and dig in the ground, so please make sure your child has wellington boots and a waterproof suit or jacket. All items of clothing should be named, including footwear. In the Spring Term we will be having weekly PE lessons and your child will need to come to school wearing their PE kit on their allocated day. Further information on when this will be given nearer the time. Children have access to fruit and milk, and it is also important that they bring a named water bottle to school every day, all year round.

Use the links below to support your learning at home.

We are busy learning in Reception! 

Check out the school's Instagram page for pictures of your children's work!