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Queenswell Infant & Nursery School Logo

Queenswell Infant & Nursery School

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Welcome to Nursery!


The staff working in this year group to support your child's learning are: 

Hannah Jayson

Tracey Anaman

Lesley Goold

Janet Leach 



Welcome to Nursery! Doors open at 8:50am and close just after 9am. When you arrive we ask you to line up along the wall outside with your grown up. This is because we like to greet every child with a “good morning!” and a smile.

Your child will come in by themselves, so please encourage them to carry their own belongings e.g.water bottle.

Nursery is a free flow environment where we encourage independence and resilience. The children can choose where they play and what they play with. Nursery can get messy so please don’t send them in their favourite clothes. Morning nursery finishes at 11:30am and afternoon nursery finishes at 3pm.

Tapestry Learning Journals


By now we hope you have all returned your permission slip in order for us to set up your

online tapestry account. This means that you will be able to log in (with your own personalised login details) and view your child’s photos, videos and observations made by the staff. You will have the opportunity to reply to comments that the teacher has made and even upload your own photos or videos from home, which we would love to see. We hope this will enhance our partnership with you in providing your child with the best learning opportunities possible. 


If you have any questions about Tapestry or need some help getting logged in and using Tapestry, please email the school office or ask your class teacher.

We love playing and exploring outside. Go for a lovely Autumn walk and collect some things to make a picture. 

You could also play I spy and guess using colours or letter sounds.

If you would like some ideas for things you could do at home, try some of the below links for ideas and inspiration.

What we are proud of...

Check out the school's Instagram page for more pictures!