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The Queenswell Federation

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School Administrators:  Mrs Stutman & Mrs Sweetman

Queenswell Schools

Sweets Way



N20 0NQ


Telephone:  020 8445 0524



Executive Headteacher: Mrs Longworth
Junior Head Of School: Ms Donaghy

Infant Head Of School: Ms Oppenheimer
SENCO: Ms Evans

ARP Leader: Miss Ruben

Assistant Headteacher (Infants): Mrs van der Merwe

School Business Manager: Mrs Johnston

Site Manager: Mr Fuller
Chair Of Governors: Mr Hood

Vice Chair Of Governors: Ms Schrembi


Queenswell Schools office team deal with all queries - details above

Our Designated Lead Safeguarding Officer is Mrs Longworth
Our Designated Governor For Safeguarding is Ms Enowanyo Nsoatabe

Please see our Safeguarding page for more details

Publication Scheme

Below is the Queenswell Schools Publication Scheme regarding information available under the Freedom of Information Act 2000

The Governing Body is responsible for maintenance of this scheme.


The Freedom of Information Act requires every public authority to have a publication scheme, and to publish information covered by the scheme.

The scheme must set out your commitment to make certain classes of information routinely available, such as policies and procedures, minutes of meetings, annual reports and financial information.


How to request information

If you require a paper version free of charge of any of the documents within the scheme, please contact the school by telephone, email, fax or letter as below:


Queenswell Schools

Sweets Way


N20 0NQ


Tel:  0208 445 0524



To assist us with processing your request please mark any correspondence ‘ FoI Publication Scheme Request’.


Cost of obtaining for information and exempt information

You may incur costs from your internet service provider when accessing free website information.

If your request requires a large amount of photocopying and or printing etc. we will inform you of the amount before fulfilling your request.


Exempt Information

There may be times when we are unable to provide the information you request for any for the following reasons:

  • we do not hold the information;
  • we are applying an exemption to the disclosure, such as the information requested related to personal information and therefore falls under the remit of the Data Protection Act 2018 or UK GDPR, Environmental Information Regulations 2004 or the information is commercially sensitive;
  • the request is considered to be vexatious or repeated;
  • it would cost the School more than £450.00 to provide the information (this figure is set by Government and is based on the work exceeding 18.5 man hours to gather the information).

If we are unable to provide the information requested we will do all we can to advise you as to how you might obtain the information elsewhere or in a different way to bring the costs within the cost limit.

The School will seek advice from the Local Authority’s Information Governance Department if necessary to clarify any points or to help resolve any disputes over information requests.


Complaints and Appeals

If you feel you have not been given the information requested you should in the first instance write to the Chair of Governors.  If you are not happy with their response you may wish to contact the Information Commissioner at:

The Information Commissioners Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




Telephone 01625 545700 – Helpline is open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday

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