Our Vision
Our Vision
‘Enjoy, Endeavour, Achieve, Together’
The Queenswell Federation is committed to raising standards through a wide range of experiences for all children that will encourage and stimulate a desire to learn. We pride ourselves on the relationships we build with our children which help them to develop skills enabling them to achieve and succeed.
Our school values, which are fundamental to our ethos are: compassion, determination, equality, humour, responsibility and respect.
Through our stimulating and exciting curriculum, we develop a real love for learning. Planning is informed by our children’s curiosity and interests; we ask them what they already know and what they want to find out, giving them more input into their own learning. Our Learning Journeys, which are aligned to the National Curriculum and Early Years Foundation Stage Framework, aim to immerse the children into their learning through creative, engaging and cross-curricular activities. Our outdoor environment encourages learning beyond the classroom. Our children Enjoy their learning!
We encourage all our children to develop a growth mindset, which means they have a positive attitude to their learning. Our children are encouraged to do their best and reach their potential in everything they do. We build resilience through our values and our nurturing and inclusive environment, which promotes a sense of pride and willingness to try hard. Our children Endeavour to do their best!
Our curriculum is designed to ensure that the skills we teach are progressive. We build on the previous year’s learning to sequence our planning and teaching of each curriculum subject. We provide our children with memorable experiences in order to ensure that knowledge stays with them long term. We focus on vocabulary across the curriculum to develop language enrichment. We celebrate all our achievements, not only academically, but also through our extra curriculum opportunities. Our children Achieve!
We are extremely proud of the inclusive nature and diversity of our Federation, which caters to the needs of all of our children through careful planning, bespoke provision and an enabling environment. Our School Houses promote working collaboratively towards common aims underpinning our core values and ethos. Staff and children learn collaboratively through an enquiry-based approach. Our community works Together!