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Online Safety

Welcome to the Parents and Carers

Online Safety web page

At The Queenswell Federation we believe Online Safety is extremely important.  We work very hard to support our children in learning about the online world and the possible dangers they may encounter.  Children have dedicated online safety lessons each half term during their computing session as well as class circle times.

Protecting yourself online

Unfortunately, there are many ways criminals try to scam people online. has an interactive online scams guide that will Improve your knowledge about tackling different online scams and fraud.  Take a look at the guide to help keep you and your child’s digital experiences positive.

Safer Internet Day 2025

What is Safer Internet Day 2025 about?

The UK Safer Internet Centre is busy preparing resources for the fast approaching Safer Internet Day on Tuesday 11th February 2025. The theme this year will be: Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online.

It promises to be a very useful and informative day. Watch this space for the latest resources to help you protect your child online.

Queenswell Photography Consent

Please complete the photography consent form to advise us of your wishes about taking photos / videos of your child in school. Click the link or scan the QR code. If you would like help completing the form please ask. Thank you very much for your support.

Staying connected

If you, or someone you know, needs help to stay connected digitally, please visit an 02 shop and ask in store for The National Databank. The National Databank provides free mobile data, texts and minutes to those living in data poverty. It’s like a foodbank, but for mobile data. 

To receive support via the national databank with a sim card or voucher, you must fall into the following eligibility criteria:   

- 18+ years old  

- From a low income household  

You must also qualify in at least one of the following statements:  

- Have no access or insufficient access to the internet at home  

- Have no or insufficient access to the internet when away from the home  

- Cannot afford their existing monthly contract or top up

When I called 02 to ask how to prove eligibility I was told if I was to ask in store for help from The National Databank, I would not need to provide lots of documentation.

Please visit an 02 shop as soon as possible to apply because:

All SIMs and Vouchers are subject to availability, whilst stocks last.

Does your child use Social Media?

At Queenswell we are very aware that some of our pupils already use or have access to different social media platforms. We do not promote or condone the use of social media platforms and messaging apps that have age limits. What we want to ensure is that by educating our pupils on how to use these platforms and the internet properly it will prevent children miss using the sites and help protect them in the future. We believe that this will create a safer culture online.

Please use the Internet Matters links below to explore their advice and support about your child using social media.

Vodafone Digital Parenting

To help you and your family enjoy happy and safe digital lives the Vodafone Digital Parenting website is regularly updated with articles and expert advice.  There are plenty of resources and support to help you make the right digital choices for your family.

The Queenswell Federation Online Safety Rules

Well done to the pupils in Years 2 to 6 who worked hard to rewrite the Queenswell Federation Online Safety Rules. We are so proud of their suggestions to keep each other safe online. Please remind your child/ren to use the new rules to help keep themselves, their friends and family safe when they are online.

Mrs Smith's Top Online Safety Tips

Ensure your child is using their online device in a family area.

This is because if your child uses their online device to access the internet it increases the risk that your child will come across content that may upset them. It also exposes your child to risks like cyberbullying, sexting, inappropriate content, and contact with strangers.

Do you know what your child is doing online? 

Do you know what apps your child is using? Are they old enough to be using that app? Do you know who your child is playing games with or communicating with? Do they know who they are playing with online in the real world? It is far too easy for someone to create an account online and pretend to be someone they are not.  Please check your child is playing and communicating with their real life friends.

Foster a no blame culture in your family.

Does your child know they can talk to you or another trusted adult in your family if something makes them feel uncomfortable, worried or sad online? Do they know they can get help from you or another trusted adult if they make a mistake online and click on a link accidentally? Let them know they can always get help and support from you or another trusted adult at home or school.

Anti Cyberbullying Week

During Anti Bullying Week in computing we focussed on anti cyberbullying. We talked about what cyberbullying is and what we should do if it happens to us or someone we know. From year 2 to year 6 the children took part in activities that would help them remember that they need to tell a trusted adult if they or anyone they know experiences cyberbullying


Is Roblox safe for children to play?

One of the most popular games talked about at Queenswell is Roblox, so I thought it would be a good idea to put a link on here to an interesting article written by Andy Robertson published on Internet Matters. He looks at the game, age ratings, in-game purchases, parental controls, how to monitor your child's account and online interactions.

PARENTSAFE: keeping your children safe: online & beyond

LGFL has created a new one-stop location that offers parents support and advice on settings, apps, games, talking to children about life online, screen time and key topics, including bullying, extremism, fake news, etc.

They have included an updated digital family agreement you are able to download and customise for your specific needs.


The NSPPC have reviewed the most popular sites, apps and games that children and young people use, e.g. Minecraft, Instagram & WhatsApp. Click the link below to find out more information about content suitability, age ratings, quotes from parents, children and young people.

Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command (CEOP)

CEOP is here to keep children safe from sexual abuse and grooming online. You can make a report directly to the CEOP Safety Centre by clicking on the Click CEOP button if something has happened online which has made you feel unsafe, scared or worried. This might be from someone you know in real life, or someone you have only ever met online. CEOP take all reports seriously and we will do everything we can to keep you safe.

As well as making a report to the CEOP Safety Centre, the CEOP Education website has information and advice to help you if something has happened to you online.

Are you being bullied? CEOP are unable to respond to reports about bullying but if you’re being bullied and would like to talk to someone in confidence right now you can speak to Childline on 0800 1111 or talk to them online – no worry is too big or too small.