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The Queenswell Federation

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Queenswell Federation School prides itself on being an inclusive school.  Our SENCo, Miss Laura Evans, works across both the Infant and Junior schools. We offer a stimulating and welcoming environment where our pupils can thrive and achieve the best possible outcomes within an atmosphere of high expectations, mutual respect and friendship. We continually strive to ensure the best possible provision for all pupils who have Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND), and work very closely with the child/ parents/ carers and any other professionals to ensure their needs are being continually met.


Our school buildings are all on one level, which makes them easily accessible to all pupils.


If you would like further information regarding Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND), please contact:


SENCo - Ms Evans

- 0208 445 0524 ext 222


Child & Family Support Worker - Mrs Shearly 

- 0208 445 0524 ext 223


Alternatively, you can contact us via the Junior school office at

or the Infant school office at



The Barnet SEND newsletter 


Barnet first launched the SEND Newsletter in Summer 2018. It is a co-produced document with parents, education, health and social care. There are a number of interesting and informative SEND related articles (e.g. young person voice item) with useful links and updates.


Please click on this link to see the latest newsletter  SEN Autumn Newsletter - you can subscribe and be emailed each Barnet SEND newsletter when it is published.


Barnet Children's Integrated Therapies Training Courses for Parents & School Staff


Barnet Autism Support Links

AUTISM - An Interview With Alis Rowe


This is a fantastic interview with an Autistic woman called Alis Rowe, also known as ‘The girl with the Curly hair’.  

The interview (which is a few years old now) is an amazing insight into how Autistic people communicate. She is interviewed by the wonderful Michael Rosen. We hope you enjoy it!

Barnet Education & Learning Service (0-6yrs) Parent/Carer programme

Jan - March 2023

Family Fund (click here for website)


Family Fund provide grants to families raising disabled and seriously ill children across the UK.

We help families across the UK who are raising a disabled or seriously ill child or young person aged 17 or under. You can apply to Family Fund if:

  • You live in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales
  • You are the parent or carer of a disabled or seriously ill child or young person aged 0-17 who lives with you
  • You are currently living in the UK and done so for at least six months, or three months if your child is less than six months old. You are eligible to work and apply for public funds
  • Your child is not in Local Authority care
  • You have evidence of entitlement to any one of the following:
  • Universal Credit
  • Child Tax Credit
  • Working Tax Credit
  • Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance
  • Income Related Employment Support Allowance
  • Income Support
  • Housing Benefit
  • Pension Credit.

Barnet Directory of Family Support



Barnet Integrated Clinical Service (BICS)

Telephone Support - 020 8359 3130


BICS provides mild to moderate children, young people, family mental health (CYP MH) clinical services across the borough. BICS is made up of low (mild) intensity and high (moderate) intensity multidisciplinary clinical teams of clinical and operational managers, clinicians and non-clinical staff that are integrated in schools, GP surgeries, the community, Early Help, Social Care and Youth Offending Services.

We work within a stepped care model of delivering a range of evidence-based therapeutic interventions working closely with NHS specialist CAMHS and Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sectors. We also provide consultations, training and workshops with our colleagues within in schools, GP surgeries, the community, Early Help, Social Care and Youth Offending Services and the voluntary sector.

Please refer a child or young person to us if you are concerned about social, emotional or behavioural needs within the context of mild to moderate mental health difficulties.


How to refer a child or young person to us

Referrals can be made via The Universal Plus Form on the Barnet website from external agencies and parents, or if the CYP is known to the Local Authority you can refer via our ‘BICS request for service’ form within EHM/LCS. See link below for more information on our inclusion/exclusion criteria and how to refer.


More information about our service


We offer a wide range of services to support mild to moderate mental health difficulties across the borough this includes initial assessments, multi-agency liaison, groups, workshops, podcasts, individual and family evidence based interventions. Further information on all services for both professionals and families is available at link.


Contact Us

E-mail for general enquiries
Phone: Support Line on 020 8359 3130



ADHD in Barnet is a new project offering information and support to parents whose children either have a diagnosis of ADHD or are waiting for an assessment. We will be running drop ins, workshops and training programmes. We take referrals from schools, CAMHS, other organisations and we also accept self-referrals.


Please email:


Tel:  020 3638 8080



Promoting the Achievement of Looked After Children


We are pleased to share the following information about how we have collaborated with UCL and schools across the Borough to promote the achievement of Looked After Children and Young People in Barnet.


Please take a look at the published booklet below:


We are very fortunate to host a popular Carers Coffee Afternoon every term in the SEN room, for foster carers, special guardians and adoptive parents. Carers from outside the Queenswell Federation community are also welcome!

Useful external website links:



Barnet SEND Information, Advice and Support Service offers free, confidential, and impartial information, guidance, advice and support for parents/carers of children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Further information is available on the Barnet Local Offer home page.


Contact details:

Please email or telephone 0208 359 7637.


We have achieved the Inclusion Quality Mark award for the excellent work we do to ensure Inclusion throughout the school.


The Designated Teacher for Children in Care is: 

Ms Laura Evans, SENCo


The Juniors Child & Family Support Worker is Mrs Sally Shearly


The Infants Child & Family Support Worker is Mrs Helen Stainton


We run a regular Carers Support Group alongside the Infant school, and invite special guest speakers to the Carers' Coffee Afternoons.

What we offer:

Here are some examples of the different activities and experiences we offer for children with Special Educational Needs at Queenswell Federation:


  • Savanna Therapies we are lucky enough to offer play therapy at the school, where children who have been referred to the service, can meet Talya Bruck, Primary Mental Health Worker for one-to-one or group sessions through art and drama therapy.


  • Out & About/ In & Around – some children learn life skills through our Out & About group, where they make short trips to local places such as the supermarket, the fire station and other places of interest, or do activities together in school.




  • PE & Sport – some children make a trip to a local Sports Facility to take part in athletics, in the past we have attended Allianz Park and Hendon Leisure Centre. The children spend a whole day there making full use of the specialist facilities on offer.




  • Physiotherapy – some children benefit from tailored physiotherapy programmes designed to further their development in a specific area. These are provided by the child’s qualified Physiotherapist and/or Occupational Therapist and carried out at school under the supervision of a dedicated Teaching Assistant.




  • Cognition and Learning – some children receive bespoke literacy and numeracy support to help them access the curriculum.
  • Speech and Language Therapy – we have a Speech and Language therapist who comes to the school every term to work with a specific group of children


  • Attention Autism/ Bucket Time - learning how to focus with one fun item at a time!



  • SEND Music – music sessions with a qualified Music Teacher to help develop rhythmic, social and motor skills:


  • Family Fun – this is an opportunity for you to enjoy working alongside your child in the school setting and meet other parents/ carers