Year 4
Welcome to Year 4!
The staff working in this year group to support your child's learning are: Ms Constanti, Ms De, Miss Nash, Miss Habert, Mrs Habib, Mrs Sivakanthan and Mrs Businaro.
Homework & Routines
Spelling homework will be set each TUESDAY and is due to be handed in by the following MONDAY at the latest. In addition to this, children must be accessing and using TT Rockstars regularly and are also expected to read for 10 minutes each day, preferably with an adult.
PE Days
Your child will take part in one outdoor PE session and one swimming lesson each week. The outdoor session will take place on a Monday. Your child will be expected to come to school in their PE kit (white t-shirt, navy blue shorts or jogging bottoms for winter and a pair of plain black trainers - not plimsolls). Your child's swimming lesson will take place on a Thursday and they will be expected to have their kit in a bag, ready to change at the pool. Your child will need a swimming costume, a swimming hat, goggles and a towel.
Check out the school's Instagram page for pictures of your children's work!