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Queenswell Junior School

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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

The staff working in this year group to support your child's learning are : Mr Holloway, Ms Alam, Mrs Harryman, Ms McVie, Miss Lucas, Ms Manesha and Mr Shawman.

Homework & Routines

Your child will have 2 PE lessons during the week so please ensure that they come to school wearing their PE kit on these days.  Their kit should include; dark shorts/jogging bottoms, a white polo t-shirt, their Queenswell sweatshirt and trainers, NOT plimsolls.  



Indoor PE - Wednesday

Outdoor PE – Thursday


Indoor PE - Wednesday

Outdoor PE – Thursday


Homework will be set each WEDNESDAY and is due to be handed in by the following MONDAY.  We will be setting homework on Google Classroom, your child will be given further training on Google Classroom in the coming weeks.  The weekly homework will include; spellings, TT Rockstars and daily reading.


For the spelling homework, children will be given a set of words to learn in preparation for their weekly spelling test.  As part of their homework, they will also be required to write each spelling word in a sentence to show that they know how to use it.


Children are expected to read for 10 minutes every day, preferably with an adult.  They will be provided with a reading record which they will update in school Monday (3AH) and Friday (3DH).  If you have any comments regarding their reading, this is where you will write it.  Children will be responsible for their own reading records.


Please send your child to school with one pencil case including; writing pencils, green biro, ruler, sharpener, rubber, a set of colouring pencils, a Pritt stick and a whiteboard pen.  Additionally, please send your child to school with a water bottle and a coat (when it is cold or rainy).