Welcome to Reception
Class: Maple
Teacher: Mrs Taylor
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Eda
Class: Sycamore
Teacher: Miss Jayson
Teaching Assistants: Miss Mehmet
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back after the Christmas break. We are looking forward to a fabulous term of learning in Reception. Below, you will find information about homework and routines and our year group curriculum letter. There are also links to helpful resources and websites.
Homework & Routines
Phonics homework will be given on Friday and should be completed by the following Friday.
Your child will bring home a library book in their book bag every week. Please take the time to share this book with them.
Reading at home is very valuable and we encourage children to read regularly as part of their homework. The e-book that has been set for your child will be uploaded to the Collins Hub website every Friday.
Please ensure that your child brings their book bag and Reading Record into school each Friday.
Tapestry allows you to view your child’s photos, videos and observations made by the staff. You have the opportunity to reply to comments that the teacher has made and upload your own photos or videos from home, which we love to see. We hope this will enhance our partnership with you in providing your child with the best learning opportunities possible.
We hope the above is useful. If you have any questions or require any help please try to catch us after school or contact the school office.
Thank you for your continued support.
Happy Learning!
Kind regards.
Mrs Taylor & Miss Jayson
Reception Curriculum Letter
Useful Links and Resources
Please follow our school Instagram page for regular updates!