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Queenswell Community

Queenswell Community PTA

Our aims are to:

❖ Benefit our pupils, parents, carers and staff, by organising activities that enhance and connect us.

❖ Deliver fundraising events that support the school to afford learning resources and items that the schools could otherwise not provide.


In the past, we have organised the following events:

❖ Summer/Winter Fairs

❖ Movie nights

❖ Cake sales

❖ Craft events

❖ International celebration events

❖ Ice pop sales

❖ School Calendar


We have provided funds for:

❖ Playground equipment

❖ A new kitchen for children’s use and cooking equipment

❖ Calculators and dictionaries

❖ Books and library furniture

❖ Arts and crafts resources

❖ Outdoor classroom equipment


How you can help?

We value your support in whatever way you can give it, choose what suits you and please come and help. Here are some of the ways in which you could do this:

❖ Prepare and donate food

❖ Make homemade items that can be sold for profit

❖ Creating fun activities for children

❖ Decorating stalls

❖ Classroom volunteering helping

❖ Help on the day with preparing stalls, selling and clean up

❖ Designing marketing and promotional materials

❖ Helping us find sponsorship opportunities from local & community-based businesses


If you would like to be contacted by Queenswell Community, please leave your name and contact details with the school office.