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Queenswell Infant & Nursery School

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EYFS Curriculum Overview


Our EYFS curriculum forms the basis of what drives our provision and practice, and facilitates progress for all Foundation Stage children in our school. We aim to enjoy our time at school, achieve our best, always endeavour and work together. We aim to offer a co-constructed curriculum which means that practitioners have the freedom to deliver the curriculum in ways that motivate our children by following their interests and responding ‘in the moment’ to address their current needs. Children are key collaborators in their own learning journeys as we believe that the most significant learning and development occurs when children have opportunities to explore their own fascinations by being able to share ideas, debate, problem solve and have fun! Promoting opportunities for sustained shared thinking is at the heart of the Queenswell early years curriculum. Our curricular goals for each year group, for each area of learning, reflect the typical starting points and needs of our Queenswell children, and lead to aspirational outcomes for all.

The curriculum is designed to promote the Characteristics of Effective Learning which run alongside all areas of learning. When planning and guiding what children learn (skills and knowledge), it is important to reflect on the different rates that children are developing and adjust our practice accordingly. The Characteristics of effective learning are important as this is how children learn.

The 3 Characteristics of effective teaching and learning are:

  • Playing and exploring – children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’
  • Active Learning – Children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements
  • Creating and thinking critically – children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things.



Our co-constructed curriculum is delivered through considering 3 key elements:

  • Individual children (A Unique Child) – How they learn and what prior knowledge they have. This underpins the planning for our learning journeys.
  • Practitioners (Positive relationships) – high quality adult interactions! Adults working in Early Years at Queenswell form partnerships with children that develop shared understanding and respect for each other’s thoughts and ideas.
  • The Environment (Enabling Environments) – this is crucial to ensure best progress for all children. We provide a learning environment that allows children the opportunity to discover and explore. We offer high quality continuous provision that provides challenge even in the absence of an adult.


We measure impact in a number of ways:

  • Practitioners form strong relationships with children; knowing them well and gaining an understanding of their learning and development through conversations, observations and assessment for learning.
  • Practitioners assess children’s learning and development; to see if they ‘know more and remember more’; against our curriculum goals and are aware of the needs of the children to ensure good progress is made.
  • Observations of child’s voice – children show confidence to talk about their learning to peers and familiar adults as well unfamiliar adults that visit the setting.
  • Form good relationships with parents to gain a well-rounded view of the child.

The Early Years curriculum is divided into three Prime Areas of Learning and development and four Specific Areas. The Prime Areas are fundamental, work together and go on to support learning and development in the Specific Areas. The Specific Areas include essential skills and knowledge for children to participate successfully into society.


Prime Areas

Specific Areas

EYFS 'Wider Curriculum' Summary