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The Queenswell Federation

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About Us

The Queenswell Federation consists of two schools: Queenswell Junior School & Queenswell Infant & Nursery School. They are situated in the heart of Whetstone, Barnet, and is the only non-denominational, co-educational community school in the immediate area.

In addition, we have a Nursery for 52 part-time children and we can offer a limited number of these as full-time places available on a fee-paying basis. We offer 30 free nursery hours for those who qualify. We also have our own breakfast & after school club. 


Additionally, there is an ARP (Assisted Resource Provision) on site for children with complex special needs. Entry to this is through the SEN panel. The area is well served by public transport. The school is housed in modern and well-designed buildings. Our landscaped grounds include several play areas for different age groups, environmental aware features (e.g. rainwater harvesting, solar panels, wildlife areas including a pond, meadow and recycling schemes), two sports fields and additional tennis/ netball courts.

We are privileged that our schools serve children from a rich and diverse community and we are committed to providing the very highest quality education for all our pupils.

We welcome visitors to our schools and are proud of the achievements of our children. We hope that this prospectus encourages you to visit our school and select Queenswell for your child.


Learning at Queenswell is an exciting and challenging experience for each child. There is a strong emphasis on delivering all areas of the curriculum to a high standard, so that each child experiences a broad and balanced curriculum, developing skills, knowledge and understanding in:

English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, Music, Computing, PE, RE, DT, EYFS, Phonics, Languages in Key Stage 2 (Spanish)


Our Religious Education programme aims to develop children’s knowledge and understanding of all the major faiths, promoting tolerance and respect for each other as members of our multi-cultural community, underpinned by fundamental British values.


Our committed and skilled team of teachers and support staff work together to plan and deliver creative and stimulating lessons which inspire every child. We actively foster the moral, social and physical development of each child within a safe and supportive learning environment.


The learning environment is supported by our modern, well designed facilities which include up to date technology in every classroom, landscaped grounds which include spacious play areas, quiet areas, a sports field, football pitch and additional tennis courts. For more information please contact us.


The Queenswell Federation  is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people, and vulnerable adults and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We operate stringent safer recruitment procedures.



Junior School

 8:45am - 3.15pm


Infant School

8.55am - 3.25pm


Treetops ARP

8.55am - 3.20pm


Woodlands Nursery (3 Years+)

9am - 11.30am

12.30 - 3pm


Seedlings Nursery

8.45am - 11.45am

12.45am - 3.45pm