The Governing Body of The Flourishing Schools Federation
Welcome To The Governors Area
Please click on the following link for information on the Flourishing Federation Governing Body:
The Governors have to ensure the school operates effectively, meets all of its statutory duties, monitors the finances and ensures policies are up to date and properly implemented. We also monitor progress of the School Improvement Plan.
The first loyalty of every Governor must be to the school, but the Governing Body is not about individuals; we act collectively and support the staff and Headteacher as a ‘critical friend’, giving feedback and advice.
Our role is strategic not operational; this means we are able to stand back and keep an eye on things while the Head and staff manage the day to day running of the school. Much of the work is carried out through committees and then brought to the Full Governing Body for discussion, decision and action.
We meet as a full Governing Body at least once a term. In addition, Governors sit on committees which again meet once or twice a term. The regular committees are:
Finance Committee
Sets a budget and makes sure it is followed; makes sure the school has good staffing and may be involved in dealing with any problems with staff.
Premises and Health & Safety Committee
Makes sure that the school building is run well and kept safe.
Safeguarding & Learning Committee
Keeps an eye on what and how the children learn and on safeguarding.
Parent Governors
Parent Governors are elected by parents of children at the school. We are there to represent all parents but, because we are not delegates, other parents cannot necessarily expect to influence how we vote or what we say in Governing Body meetings. However, we do want to listen to the views of parents to help us with our contribution to Governing Body meetings. We will also try to make ourselves available to chat at coffee mornings and so on – so don’t be shy!
Of course, sometimes Parent Governors are approached by parents with individual concerns. In this case, we are happy to point you in the direction of someone who can help. We would initially encourage parents to take the matter up with their child’s class teacher or the Head (although it may be appropriate to offer support, if the parent concerned lacked confidence). In fairness to all, it is important that the correct procedures are followed in order to solve the problem quickly and this means it is hardly ever necessary to involve the Governing Body initially.
If this inspires you to consider getting involved in the Governing Body, please bear it in mind when a position becomes vacant. We are very keen to get as many of you involved in our school as we can.
We hope you have found this introduction to your Governors helpful. If you would like any further information about the role of the Governing Body or would like to contact any of the Governors, please contact the School Office.