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Queenswell Infant & Nursery School

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Woodlands 3/4 Year Old Nursery

Welcome to Woodlands Nursery


Class: Woodlands

Teacher: Amanda van der Merwe (Mon-Tue), Sally Frater (Wed-Fri)

Nursery Nurses: Tracey Anaman, Lesley Goold

Teaching Assistants: Mandy George


Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back after the Christmas break. We are looking forward to a fabulous term of learning in Nursery. Below, you will find information about homework and routines and our year group curriculum letter. There are also links to helpful resources and websites.


Homework & Routines

Doors open at 9am for the morning session and 12.30pm for the afternoon session. Please note that there is no onsite parking available for nursery parents/carers. When you arrive we ask you to line up along the wall outside with your child. 

Nursery is a free flow environment where we encourage independence and resilience. Please encourage your child to carry their own belongings e.g.water bottle. Nursery can get messy so please send them in appropriate clothing. Morning nursery finishes at 11:30am and afternoon nursery finishes at 3pm. At collection time, please line up along the wall so we can dismiss your child safely.


In Nursery, we do not set regular homework, however we do ask that you read your child a bedtime story every night.

Reading at home is very valuable and helps to develop your child's communication and language skills. 

We will occasionally post activity ideas on Tapestry for you to do at home. We encourage you to upload any photos or make comments on Tapestry about anything you do.


If you have any questions about Tapestry or need some help getting logged in and using Tapestry, please email the school office or ask Amanda.

Thank you


Things to remember:

Nursery children may get messy!

  • Please keep a bag with a change of clothes and underwear on your child's peg.
  • Don't forget waterproof overalls and welly boots on rainy days.
  • Please bring a fresh water bottle every day.


We hope the above is useful. If you have any questions or require any help please try to catch us after school or contact the school office.

Thank you for your continued support.

Happy Learning! 

Kind regards.

Amanda and Sally

Woodlands Nursery Curriculum Letter

Useful Links and Resources

Please follow our school Instagram page for regular updates!