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Queenswell Junior School

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Welcome to Woodpecker Class


Class: Woodpeckers

Teacher: Vicki Hughes

Teaching Assistants: Lola, Danielle and Ruby 


Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back after the Christmas break. We are looking forward to a fabulous term of learning in Woodpeckers. Below, you will find information about our routines, our year group curriculum letter and the class assembly date. There are also links to helpful resources and websites.


Things to remember:

Children should come to school in PE kits on their PE days. Woodpeckers have their PE on:

Thursday is indoor PE.

Wednesday is outdoor PE.

PE kit should include dark tracksuit joggers or shorts, a white T-shirt and trainers.


Woodpeckers Class assembly date: 23rd June 2025


We hope the above is useful. If you have any questions or require any help please try to catch us after school or contact the Treetops office.

Thank you for your continued support.

Happy Learning! 

Kind regards.


Woodpecker Curriculum Letter

Useful Links and Resources

Please follow our school Instagram page for regular updates!